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The Parenting Well Blog addresses topics related to the parenting journey. You may be visiting this blog because you are considering growing your family, having difficulty conceiving, experiencing pregnancy, expecting a baby, newly parenting, or encountering parenting obstacles. I intend to write blog posts that provide information rooted in science… Read More »Welcome!

Back to School

“Don’t you love New York in the fall? It makes me want to buy school supplies. I would send you a bouquet of newly sharpened pencils if I knew your name and address.” (Nora Ephron, “You’ve Got Mail”) If you’ve seen and remember the opening scene of “You’ve Got Mail,”… Read More »Back to School

The Fourth Trimester

Let’s talk about the importance of the fourth trimester, shall we? That math doesn’t add up, you say? How can there be four of a threesome? Well, we’re realizing that the amount infants and parents develop during the first three months after birth actually warrants the identification of an additional… Read More »The Fourth Trimester

Diet and Mental Health

Food for Thought What if you could change your diet and improve your health in as little as 5 days? People who are studying diet, gut health, and brain health say it’s possible. Nutritional Psychology The Wall Street Journal published an article last year that said diet could help prevent… Read More »Diet and Mental Health

Self-Care Checklist

Taking care of yourself probably sits low on your list of things to do. Let this checklist serve as inspiration for something you could do for yourself today. Take a walk Soak in a bath Plan a vacation Make a list Go to an antique store Journal Water a houseplant… Read More »Self-Care Checklist